Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One Last Hoorah!

The elections are over!  We hope that you all went out and voted yesterday.  According to the Missouri Secretary of State's website, Adair county had a voter turnout of 44.6%.  Below are the election results with the winners in bold.

U.S. Senate
Roy Blunt (REP)  54.3%
Robin Carnahan (DEM) 40.6%

U.S. Representative
Blaine Leutkemeyer (REP) 77.8%
Christopher Dwyer (LIB) 22.2%

State Senator (District 18)
Brian Munzlinger (REP) 54.6%
Wes Shoemyer (DEM) 45.4%

State Representative (District 2)
Zachary Wyatt (REP) 56.7%
Rebecca McClanahan (DEM) 43.3%

State Auditor
Tom Schweich (REP) 53.6%
Susan Montee (DEM) 42.6%

We feel that these election results exemplify the attitude of our local voters and hope that the candidates elected will uphold the strong, rural values of those that elected them.

We have learned a lot from this experience and sadly this will be our last post.  We have very much enjoyed writing this blog and hope that you have enjoyed reading it!  Thank you so much for your support and we hope that we brought you some valuable information. 

We hope that you continue to stay involved in political campaigns and realize how important money and endorsements are to a campaign.  We can't wait to see what the new candidates will bring.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Day is Finally Here!

Tomorrow is the day!  We and our fellow classmates have been working hard to bring you the scoop on many of your candidates and we hope you use this information to help with your consideration of who to vote for!

We're going to bring you a longer post tomorrow with the full election results. So please remember to go out and vote tomorrow! 

For those of you who need to know where exactly you can go vote, check out this website!  The only thing you have to do is type in your address and it tells you where the nearest polling station is!  

And just for fun here is a video to remind everyone to GET OUT THE VOTE!

Check back soon for full election results!