Thursday, October 28, 2010

This Just In: AIM Endorses Wyatt!

We're back and this time with some exciting news!  We went to the Republican Headquarters in Kirksville today and spoke with Wyatt's campaign manager, Ashley Young.  It was a quick conversation, but he gave us information that the campaign has not leaked to the media yet, so we, your republican money watchers, are bringing it to you first!

Recently Wyatt was endorsed by Associated Industries of Missouri or AIM!  AIM is a premier business trade organization.  They were established in 1919 and have been representing and supporting Missouri businesses in many ways.  Young seemed excited about this endorsement and we're very glad that he gave this information to us! 

It seems as if we're hitting the jackpot today with information on Wyatt's finances.  The front page of the Index (released today) has an article all about campaign finances.  The article basically sums up the finances of the candidates running for election next week.   

In the article it states that Wyatt received donations from four different anesthesia associations in Missouri.  These associations support Wyatt because of his stance on nurses positions.  Wyatt doesn't believe that nurses should have as many responsibilities as they do because they are restricted only to doctors.  

In a last push before the election, Wyatt has received $9,500 from several different Anesthesia groups in Missouri according the the Missouri Ethics Commission.  For a full summary on Wyatt's campaign finances visit the Missouri Ethics Commission website!

This last weekend before the election Wyatt and his campaign team are trying to get the vote out and we encourage you to pay attention to these last few days of campaigning and get out and vote too! 

5 days and counting...

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